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Extremely Important Post....Must Read

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Extremely Important Post....Must Read Empty Extremely Important Post....Must Read

Post  Treste Fri 14 Jan 2011, 3:45 pm

Things have not been progressing the way I had hoped. Having received a number of inquiries about the declining participation in guild related teamwork, chat etc. and feeling my own interest in the guild waning, I have come to the conclusion that it is time to shake things up. I will be assigning new officer positions, begin recruiting heavily and expecting participation in guild chat, forums and vent for ALL members. I suspect that a number of people may leave guild or may be removed,....simply consider this a pruning of the Ceres family tree, a necessary stage in the growth process. I consider it my job as Leader to oversee the development and nurturing of the guild, all done out of love and respect.

If you love Ceres like I do you will contact me in game to express your concerns and desires about our future together. With enduring faith, hope and love,


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Extremely Important Post....Must Read Empty Something to Consider.

Post  Demonio_Azul Sat 15 Jan 2011, 5:24 am

how can you even consider pruning some of the cores members of ceres who have been in here since the very beginning, which by doing so actually goes against some of the founding principles and mission statement Sun made when she created Ceres.
The way you want to force people to be active, will make a lot of people feel that you are making them play at gunpoint, just to belong to a family who's new head has different ideals than what the family stands for, and is making his ideals the Cere's families ideals.
Though i agree that things have slowed down, specially since a lot of the players that were with us for a long time if not the beginning reached lvl 100. I am one of those. One of the reasons is that because by the time i reached 100 the main people around me whom i had quested with to get there, they all just abandoned the cause of helping their fellow man.

Ive noticed one thing about some of our players. not all but a lot of them have stopped caring about their guildies and it has become all ME ME ME ME ME. MY HH99 gear, MY 100 weapon, MY NIRVANA RUNS!!! ME MINE MY FUCKING MINE..

I can't count the amount of times i have been promised that we would go on a BH, HH or NV in 30 mins. 30 mins later people are either getting ready to go work out, other instance, or i was just replaced by another player.
So this is the new family that have be a part of? A family in which if you dont talk in chat, vent, if you dont participate in guild events or help guildies you can just leave. Treste's own private little dictatorship era has begun... yay hope you have fun with it. Its hypocritical to a certain extent.

This is my opinion, and i just wanna tell you that i feel you are wronging the ideals this family stood for once.

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Post  Treste Sat 15 Jan 2011, 6:39 am

excellent points.

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Post  Medusa Sat 15 Jan 2011, 7:13 am

Well.. Speechless but I will try to share my feelings with all Ceres. I can surely understand if a leader wants to make some changes in factions. And as a member I ruled all other changes before Treste wanted. But on the other hand, a leader must share this ideas with officers before start action. You Treste should have talked to your officers before resigning Mark from Director position. Or atleast with him. Oh if blood is your only officer, I cant say anything. I didnt leave because u resigned Mark, like I didnt leave because u resigned Ama. Because I love Ceres more than you maybe. Well and as I see, u deleted everything about me in this site. And I really wonder why u did that. Well nvm.. now this faction belongs to you. But it seems like a Dicta Treste. You cant rule whole faction without asking your members or at least your officers. Even this is impossible in most famous factions in PWI. But it is like you are angry, you want to rule.. you want to be the one! You saying "no drama". I dont like drama too. But you started to lose your feelings while u saying no drama. It seems like we mean nothing to you. This is just a game Treste.. And Ceres is a family which is very far from being a family right now. The ppl leaving faction is mostly the oldest members of Ceres.. Older than you. Dont you still think something is wrong? Why didnt you just try to establish a connection with us? your new ideas, your hopes etc? Why did you just talk like "if you dont like go!" And what is this power desire? Why do you keep ppl unhappy? All people had respect on you but you didnt respect us! Even me as an establisher. I m just dissapointed. I dont want to hurt you but, your leadership is dissapointing. You are like ready to kill your friends for power, to rule! You have an extreme anger.. You saying "this is this, this is that.." no open to complains nothing. Well and yes this is called Dicta Treste. Now Ceres is all yours. Have fun with the ruins of a faction! And congratulations to make a faction fall apart. But np for you. Because no drama right?


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Post  TheLittleMan Sat 15 Jan 2011, 7:40 am


Last edited by TheLittleMan on Sun 23 Jan 2011, 1:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post  Treste Sat 15 Jan 2011, 6:16 pm

To Demonio_Azul: As far as the idea of 'family', it has been quite some time since that feeling has existed in this guild, and that goes back to a time well before I was leader. In order to live and play as an expression of the ideals you are reminiscing on, it would require that u were actively playing and exemplifying exactly the qualities you say you miss so much. All this QQ'ing over something that hasn't existed for many months is pointless given that it is up to the members of the guild to act as family, not the leader to get the officers into whatever runs you feel you missed out on. The game has changed(remember it is a game) and the players change with it. I understand if you don't like the changes and I sympathize with you if you feel it's not for you anymore, but trying to lay it all on me because I am making changes to the guild structure is laughable. And BTW Mark was always a titular Director at best. I applaud your loyalty to him as a friend, but he was never much of a leader. Demonstrated by his lack of a role in organizing the guild during the months when Amaia was leader.

To Medusana: There's no anger here Sun, nor do I have any lust for power. You hit the nail on the head when u said blood is my only officer. Why do officer positions exist? If officers are to be anything more than titular heads they must actually recruit and organize....obviously that hasnt happened for months. Who helps to teach and run FCC, or HH or Nirvana or BH's? Who takes responsibility? The answer: bloodeyez and myself(with the exception of Konrad who has not been able to play for months). You were great at it as well, but you also refused the officer position when I offered it to you several times. Only a handful of the old members of Ceres were still here, most left when u passed lead to Amaia, as you may remember. So I didn't feel the need to talk to Mark about demoting him, as I already knew how he would react, and I DID talk to you about it some weeks ago despite the fact that u were not an officer. It was based largely on the conversation that we had that I decided to demote him and was waiting for someone to exhibit a desire to work with me as Director. That is all....Mark was DEMOTED, nothing more. If a number of people decide to leave over that I bear them no ill will. Mark could have remained on as a Marshall and taken the demotion with dignity, but chose not to. His choice. I have always been fair and accepting and helpful. My hope is that when cooler heads prevail you personally will talk with me again as I have always liked you and respected you.


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Post  TheLittleMan Sat 15 Jan 2011, 11:39 pm


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Extremely Important Post....Must Read Empty Re: Extremely Important Post....Must Read

Post  TheLittleMan Sat 15 Jan 2011, 11:47 pm


Last edited by TheLittleMan on Sun 23 Jan 2011, 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Extremely Important Post....Must Read Empty bull crap

Post  Demonio_Azul Sun 16 Jan 2011, 2:22 am

sorry but that you and blood run ALL events? yes u did for both of you.. like i said how many times did YOU not tell me in 30 mins mac, after my bh, after this after that, and after you were done you never hooked me up..

you talking crap about little not organizing anything? 2 months ago you were going to start a point system. I donated half my shit to Ceres... a) to help us grow, b) to get some points to help me out. Lunar mats, skill books, HH gear and Mats.. what have i gotten back for it? Jack Shit... if thats your idea of organizing stuff you better look real careful at your actions, then at the words you typed cuz they kinda clash with one another...
Just my opinion..
that mark wasnt helping is also sketchy.. if u would have looked at half of the gear ceres members wear full HH sets all collected and made by mark for players.
Don't try to make yourself seem better by point fingers in other directions, take a deep look within yourself and somewhre you should realize that y ou did something wrong.
Somewhere u could have done it different.. and if u think about this, and you agree with that... then u know u were wrong and u know u did kinda mess up.

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Post  Treste Sun 16 Jan 2011, 3:49 am

Mark ur threats are hilarious....and btw I clearly stated that it was my decision to demote you based upon the conversation I had with Sun. I understand that you are a stubborn rage case and that was confirmed by my conversation with sun nothing more. I never said Sun agreed that u should be demoted. I was my decision. The nonsense belief you hold about blood being a hacker is a testament to exactly this point.

Yes, I could have done things differently Mac, but I didn't. I made the decisions I made and I am at peace with them. You seem to not realize the difference between helping with a run and organizing events. Going on a materials run is a far cry from organizing an event to get ALL the mats necessary to build a full set of gear. As to the mats u donated, they are all still in my personal bank because they are essentially without value. You can get them from me in game at anytime.

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Post  TheLittleMan Sun 16 Jan 2011, 12:46 pm


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Post  TheLittleMan Sun 16 Jan 2011, 12:53 pm

and plz dude stop the pshycho babble lol
you realy think you know who i am.
cus i reacted like any NORMAL person would do.
and i remember another rage dude that almost quite game
im sure you know who i meen so no more babble but honesty


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Post  Medusa Sun 16 Jan 2011, 10:59 pm

OK Treste, here is the main parts from our conversation as I remembered. I want to explain this because this is going to an another understanding is like I wanted this revolution. BUt it was not. I tried to help you being a leader and told u about the hardest parts of leadership. Because you wanted me inform you. You said your officers are not paying attention. And you asked me what must be the role of a director. And I remember I said, director is actually more important than leader. Director must decide and offer to officers while leader is busy with other things. And you said Mark is not doing this. And I said, you still dont know Mark. He always thinks what the leader couldnt think and he can be a perfect director if you make a connection with him. And I told you Mark always questions and thinks a lot about the things that he think going wrong. And again I said this is the best thing a leader can have. And offered you to communicate with him. On the other hand, I asked you if you want to make Ceres a powerful faction like Kami or Es or a family. You said a family we will have fun in. Then I told you relax as I remember. Make meetings with officers. If any officer doesnt want to do anything, then u can think about other Ceres members who can achive to be an officer. That was the main point. But now I never believe that you talked to Mark and he refused to do things and you demoted. Mark is not kind of person. He loves responsibility. I remember I told you communicate with him, he always works hard and helpful. But from this conversation you got something wrong as I see. If u want a faction like a family ppl having fun in it, you shouldnt forget about friendship between ppl. If you had talked to Mark and shared about your new revolution decisions, I am sure Mark absolutely will be a part of it as a director. But you choosed to demote without saying anything. Do you know when I really decided to leave? The time Mark asked you what was going on and you said "nothing". You didnt even say lets talk on pm. Let me explain etc. YOu treated like Mark is an enemy >.< This is unacceptable in rl too Treste. This faction is not only your faction. Maybe you will understand this in time. You just cant demote ppl without talking or asking at least all officers. Besides that, I still respect that you choosed this way. And you were ready about the lose. At that time, I saw everything but friendship. This is not a business Treste. Sorry but that day, you were not Treste anymore. Treste I liked before. You were an owner of a faction which I dont belong anymore. Still wish you luck. BUt sorry Treste I love all these people than you love. And I still do anything for them. btw Blood.. it is not against you. But I wish you wouldnt use your position to kick Mark 10 mins later u have it. This makes me say that.. Who the hell are you and how come you can kick our director! Sorry.. that was what you deserved. And Treste... I hope you have back your feelings you lost.. Stay safe...

PS: Now I remember what Mark told me about you and now I m feeling terrible. He had told me that how he trust you as a leader when u got leadership. And Mark's this idea made me trust too. I hope you finally understand we all didnt left because u demoted Mark... I hope you do.

Last edited by Medusa on Sun 16 Jan 2011, 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Extremely Important Post....Must Read Empty My Thoughts

Post  NightIce Sun 16 Jan 2011, 11:09 pm

well as allways treste is taking heat for trying to move the guild forword u all talk about what the guild stood for when sun was leader and u talk about what things ment back then well incase u havent noticed sun is not the leader and the time is not back then and in no way do i mean to insult sun because she is by far one of the best ppl i have ever met and i have respected and liked her since i first joined and will continue to cherish her friendship and i hope she still counts me amoung her friends but as leaders change so dose the guild and the guild values, prioritys, and countless other things and u eather accept that change,adept to it and work twords a better and stronger guild or u fade away i for one have chosen to take the guilds destiny into my own hands

To littel: i never intened to boot u nor do i like the fact i had to replace u i may not like u but i still respected u as a founding member of ceres and as a fellow guild officer(a respect that was never retruned to me) but as usaul u started to talk about things u knew nothing about when u openly mocked me for promoting vil as if i did it simplie because as u put it she is "my girl" what u dont know is i had a very long and detailed talk with her about what she could do for the guild and if she was willing to take up a position and when u once agian mocked me for trying to do the job u never did by cleaning up ceres and then accused me and treste of stealing guild funds and mats when u once agian had no idea what u where talking about and if your "complanet" u keep talking about with the hh mats is from devil about me not giveing him a split of hh its not a vary good one because once agian somthing u may not know is treste made him a full set of hh90 gear from his own stash of mats not mats that we farmed for the guild so he revcived well over 8mill in gear wiche imo is more then he would have recived from me based on the amount of runs he did with me as a side note i dont really care if u think im a hacker or not but a peace of the story u dont know is not only did i have my x wifes account info 12 other ppl also had it meny of them x boyfriends and including one person she had met 2 days b4 so she could run frost with my barb and the other person could use her cleric and the fact i still have access to 4 other account of diffent ppl mean ppl clearly trust me depite the fact certen ppl think i hacked my x wife and even if i did decide to take w.e gear was on thos ppls account id simply be taking back what was mine in the first place because i bought or farmd them that gear at no charg wich btw was the same way with my x wife so ask ur self y would i take gear that was origenly mine when all i had to do to get it back was ask

To mac: im not as fermiller with ur issuse as with littels but in general u seem to be talking an awfull lot of ME ME MES MINE MINE MINE in ur complants to treste and forgive me if im mistaken but that was one of the things u said u hated MY BH MY RUNS MY MATS WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN PPL REPLACE ME! well as treste said ur arguments r laughabul at best and if i may add slighty childish and pathetic if u r looking for runs mats coin theres all kinds of oppertunite to be had in WC but as u seem to have a demonstrated a lack of capabillaty in handeling your own things while i understand u may want to run with guildies and its more enjoyabel when u run with friends then randoms u have to take it apon your self to make shure u get what u need the only hipocricy that exsits is your own

To sun: as i have stated b4 i have no intention of insulting u or falting u in any of the things that have happend i merly want to wish u the best of luck and hope that u will eventuly come back to ceres and u will be missed and even tho things change treste and myself will allways try to keep the famlie style alive

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Post  Medusa Sun 16 Jan 2011, 11:30 pm

Ty ice.. I respect you too and still love you, like I still love all ppl in Ceres. I am not trying to effect ppls ideas about Ceres because deeply I still love Ceres. Yes, leaders can change, rules can change but the most important thing is I did everything Treste wanted when I came back. And didnt ask him anything, I trusted him. And I never ever behaved like I am the establisher of Ceres, I am this, I am that... But how nice some people sometimes remembered me I was a good leader once including Treste too. You can still keep trusting him. Noone have to see what we saw at him. and u saying "family" still. Ok... I hope u keep your happiness in your family. Treste is leader good or bad. People are different from eachother. And I am sure most of you still love his leadership. Maybe thats what you except from a leader. If Treste goes well with faction, I will be happy for him and all of you. But I couldnt leave before writing my thoughts. Take care ice ^^


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Post  TheLittleMan Sun 16 Jan 2011, 11:46 pm


Last edited by TheLittleMan on Sun 23 Jan 2011, 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post  NightIce Sun 16 Jan 2011, 11:51 pm

*sigh* if no one cared i wouldnt have your spot and u probly sould have relised she wouldnt want to be an officer under a directer who didnt do crap

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